
Can I change or cancel my order?

If you would like to change or cancel an order, please contact us at orders@houseofsarahspiegel.com. Depending on when the order is placed, we may or may not be able to change or cancel orders.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We currently accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay (on mobile only), PayPal, and ShopPay.

Will tax be applied?

For US-based customers, prices displayed on the website are exclusive of taxes. When you proceed to purchase your order, sales tax will be calculated on the total merchandise value, and displayed in checkout.

How do I check the status of my order?

You can check the status of your order within your order confirmation email sent at the time of purchase. If you have an account with us, you can view the status of your order there and once your order ships, you will receive a tracking number via email.

Do you offer a first-time shopper discount code?

We do not currently offer discount codes.

How do I purchase a gift card?

You can purchase a gift card here. Please note that gift cards are sent via email once an order is placed.

What do I do if there is a problem with my order?

Please contact us at orders@houseofsarahspiegel.com with your order number and the issue you are experiencing. If applicable, please include a photo of the item(s).

Domestic Shipping & Returns

How long will my order take to ship?

Orders are processed within 2-3 business days. Once shipped you should receive your order within 3-7 business days. Delivery times can vary based on your shipping destination.

How much will shipping cost?

Domestic orders over $300 will receive free shipping at checkout. $10 flat rate for all other orders.

Do you offer expedited shipping?

For more information on expedited shipping methods, please reach out to orders@houseofsarahspiegel.com and we will do our best to assist.

Do you ship internationally?

Not at this time.

What is your return policy?

We accept returns within 14 days of purchase. To begin your return, please email us at returns@houseofsarahspiegel.com with your order number and we will send you a shipping label. A return shipping fee of $10 will be deducted from your credit. All items must be in new condition with original packaging.